Facilities Management (FM)

Did you Know? The UNM Facilities Management (FM) operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and processes more than 60,000 work orders each and every year.  This translates to about 164 work orders every day!  To learn more about FM’s excellence, please watch this video!

 UNM Facts

The Facilities Management (FM) is primarily responsible for the care and upkeep of over 10 million square feet of facilities and 680 acres of open space. Maintaining the physical environment on a campus this size requires a lot of planning and consistent diligence to protect and maintain the physical environment of the campus. It is FM’s goal to provide a safe, beautiful, functional, comfortable, clean, and sustainable environment for the campus community.


The Facilities Management mission is to consistently deliver effective programs and efficient facility service based on sustainable and collaborative outcomes aligned with the University of New Mexico’s core mission.


The Facilities Management's vision is that our community, state, and national peers will recognize the University of New Mexico’s Facilities Management as a leader in campus sustainability and facilities stewardship.

Contact Information

Alfred Sena